What is Mental Illness or Mental Disorders?

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Mental illness or mental disorders are medium- to long-term emotional, cognitive and/or behavioural disorders affecting basic psychological processes like emotions, motivation, cognition, awareness, behaviour, perception, sensation, learning, language, etc. These symptoms make it more difficult for the person to adapt to their cultural and social environment and generally produce some type of subjective discomfort.

It is not easy to establish cause and effect in the appearance of mental illness; there are usually multiple factors influencing it, which may be biological (biochemical or metabolical alterations, etc.), psychological (life experiences, learning, etc.) and social (culture, social circle, family, etc.).

Substantiated information by:

Astrid Morer Liñan
Luisa Lázaro García

Published: 7 October 2019
Updated: 28 January 2025

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