Living with an Anxiety Disorder

Reading time: 2 min

In most cases, the symptoms are usually reduced in patients with an anxiety disorder who receive the proper treatment. However, some people who suffer an anxiety disorder may continue to have some symptoms after treatment.

In all these cases, there are several strategies that can help the person coexist with their anxiety.

Dizzy person after bus ride

Maintain routines. It is very important to continue with day‑to‑day habits so that anxiety does not ‘gain ground’. This means that the person should strive to maintain their normal activities and try not to avoid situations that generate anxiety. For example, if the treatment has enabled a patient to take the train to go to work, although doing so will still generate a little anxiety, it is very important that they continue practicing this situation so that their anxiety about it continues to decrease.

Man running; regular physical exercise

Participate in sports. Regular physical activity is advisable for almost everyone, and people who have an anxiety disorder are no exception. Some scientific studies have concluded that regular, moderate‑intensity physical exercise can help reduce and relieve the symptoms of anxiety.

Apple with a "tic"

Maintain good eating and sleeping habits. Keeping proper eating and sleeping habits is basic to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Sleeping fewer hours than recommended over a sustained period can produce irritability or stress, an aspect that can negatively affect the symptoms of anxiety.

Hot drink mug

Do not consume stimulants in excess. The use of stimulants such as coffee in high amounts and for long periods can increase anxiety levels.

Cannabis, pills and syringe crossed out

Avoid toxic substances. Some people with anxiety disorders consume certain substances such as alcohol or cannabis to help reduce the discomfort caused by some symptoms of their anxiety. However, doing so does not make the symptoms disappear in the medium to long term and increases their risk of having problems related to substance abuse.

Three people which two of them are talking

Be socially active. A good social circle that allows active friendships can be a good tool for combatting the depressive symptoms, such as sadness or excessive apathy, that some people with anxiety disorders may have.

Two women hugging or kissing

Share discomfort with the surrounding environment. Some people can benefit from sharing their discomfort with the people around them or with support groups. It is important for patients to relive their discomfort and it can also help the people surrounding the patient to identify the first symptoms of a relapse.

Correct pills

Comply with the treatment. Following the treatment guidelines is important to combat the symptoms of anxiety. There are people with an anxiety disorder who may need to take medication for long periods. In these cases, the person may lose their motivation, think about abandoning their treatment, or become tired of some of their treatment’s side effects. It is very important for the patient to express these doubts or reservations to their healthcare providers so that they can assess the best treatment options.

Substantiated information by:

Blanca Garcia Delgar
Eduard Forcadell López
Luisa Lázaro García
Miquel Àngel Fullana Rivas
Sara Lera Miguel

Published: 29 January 2019
Updated: 29 January 2019

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