The evolution of anxiety disorders depends on many factors, although a significant reduction in symptoms and discomfort is usually achieved.
In general, starting treatment when the disorder appears can help prevent it from becoming chronic and from other anxiety disorders and mental or physical disorders appearing. However, even in cases where the person has suffered from an anxiety disorder for years, starting a treatment can have significant benefits.
Many of these disorders begin in childhood and adolescence, so it is especially important that children and young people access the recommended treatments.
When an improvement in symptoms is achieved, professionals must continue working with the person with the disorder to prevent their relapse. This means that the final part of the treatment should focus on identifying any difficulties or mild symptoms that may appear once the treatment is finished, so that the person can face and overcome these problems, therefore avoiding a recurrence of the disorder.
If the treatment received by the person suffering an anxiety disorder is not adequate, their symptoms may not disappear, but with proper treatment most people with anxiety disorders do improve.
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Substantiated information by:
Eduard Forcadell LópezClinical psychologistPsychiatry and Psychology Department
Luisa Lázaro GarcíaPsychiatristChild and Youth Psychiatry and Psychology Service
Miquel Àngel Fullana RivasClinical psychologistPsychiatry and Psychology Department
Sara Lera MiguelClinical psychologistPsychiatry and Psychology Department
Published: 29 January 2019
Updated: 29 January 2019
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