Organization - Psychiatry and Psychology Service
The Psychiatry and Psychology Service participates in various functional units and in the following areas of care
The Schizophrenia Unit of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona responds to a clinical, research and teaching approach, both hospital and outpatient, which includes care protocols to respond to the main problems presented by people with Schizophrenia. The Unit integrates the different devices of the Hospital Clínic with activity related to this disease.
Addictive Behaviors
The goal of the Addictive Behavior Unit is to facilitate a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, evidence-based approach to substance use disorders and behavioral addictions. To provide excellent treatment, the Unit assumes addictive behaviors from a healthcare, teaching and research perspective.
Trastornos Bipolares y Depresivos
In this area, around 300 initial outpatient visits and 4,000 follow-up visits are carried out each year, providing regular and continuous care to approximately 1,000 patients with these diagnoses.
Salud Mental Perinatal
Perinatal Mental Health includes all those mental disorders that women have during pregnancy and / or the first 12 months postpartum and especially those specific to the perinatal stage, such as postpartum depression, puerperal psychosis, disorders of the link due to maternal mental illness, disorders postpartum, trauma and perinatal disorders associated with perinatal grief.
The acute care unit manages and treats an average of 130 patients with affective disorders each year. As it is a reference point, a percentage of approximately 30% of these patients come from other sectors or autonomous communities, the vast majority of which are complex patients in advanced stages of the disease.
The Service is structured in four sections:
- Intrahospital Psychiatry Section. Formed by four sections: acute hospitalization, day hospital, emergency and home hospitalization.
- Community Mental Health Center Section. Provides assistance to Barcelona's Eixample Esquerre, in coordination with the respective basic primary care areas.
- Consultation and link section. Provides care to interned patients with mental and outpatient disorders from other Hospital Services.
- Section of Clinical Health Psychology. Provides psychological care to patients with non-psychiatric disorders.
Some of the care programs led by the Service are:
- Primary Care Mental Health Support Program (PSP)
- Specialized Care Program for Incipient Psychotic Disorder (PAE-TPI)
- Personality Disorders Program
- Attention to Victims of Sexual Violence Programme
- Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Care Program
- Labor Personnel Care Program