Research - Gastroenterology Service

The Gastroenterology Service complements its healthcare activity with a research program that is developed at the August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS). Research led by the Service focuses efforts on improving patient care. Thus, members of the Service occupy positions of international leadership in different gastrointestinal diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease, colorectal cancer prevention and digestive endoscopy.

The members of the Service are part of the area of Liver, Digestive system and Metabolism. The groups where the research is carried out are the following:

  • Gastrointestinal and pancreatic oncology

    This line includes the study of the pathophysiology of colorectal and pancreatic cancer, the prevention of colorectal cancer and research and innovation in digestive endoscopy. The members of the Gastroenterology Service lead the study of the prevention of colorectal cancer, one of the most common tumors in society, both among the general population and in people with genetic susceptibility (hereditary cancer). In addition, the Service is a pioneer in the search for new diagnostic techniques and endoscopic treatment.

  • Inflammatory bowel disease

    This line is aimed at generating knowledge in the area of inflammatory bowel diseases, to provide a direct benefit to patients who have Crohn's disease or will have ulcerative colitis in the near future. The research focuses on the development of new forms of treatment based on cell therapies; the identification of new therapeutic targets susceptible to pharmacological modulation; deepening the knowledge of the genetic and environmental factors responsible for susceptibility and the course of the disease, as well as the optimization of radiological and biochemical diagnostic techniques in order to adapt the treatment to the needs of each patient.

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