The Gastroenterology Service is part of the Institute of Digestive and Metabolic Diseases (ICMDM). It is mainly dedicated to the treatment of patients with gastrointestinal diseases and works to offer excellent assistance led by specialized and integrated teams.

The Service is made up of a multidisciplinary team of professionals that covers various areas of gastrointestinal disease, such as inflammatory bowel disease, colorectal cancer prevention, esophagogastric and pancreatic disease, and digestive endoscopy. The Service makes up one of the most prestigious digestive endoscopy units in the country.

The participation of teams of medical professionals from different Services and Institutes, as well as the integration of nursing staff with knowledge and specific tasks in these areas, are key factors in offering high-quality assistance.

What are we dealing with?

These are the main healthcare topics that are treated in the Gastroenterology Service.

Last year in numbers

(hospitalization and specialized primary care)

Know the team

The Gastroenterology Service employs more than 150 health professionals from various disciplines, such as those of medical and  nursing. as well as administrative staff, to address the comprehensive treatment of patients with gastrointestinal diseases.

Francesc Balaguer Head of Service Gastroenterologist

Assistive Devices

The healthcare activity of the Gastroenterology Service is carried out in the following organizations:

See assistive devices

News related with the service