Heart disease in women
Despite improvements in the treatment of coronary heart disease, differences in symptoms and delays in diagnosis contribute to a poorer prognosis for1
Despite improvements in the treatment of coronary heart disease, differences in symptoms and delays in diagnosis contribute to a poorer prognosis for1
A study has revealed that eating tomatoes regularly has benefits for the prevention and control of high blood pressure.
First study in people with type 1 diabetes that demonstrates the relationship between poor control of glucose levels and an increased risk of foot ul1
The Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS is carrying out a trial to explore the effects of a diet enriched with walnuts for two years on healthy ageing in individ1
An analysis in which the Hospital Clínic participated as the only Spanish hospital, explores the accessibility of diagnostic methods in low- and midd1
Recently published data indicates that people with obesity are not only at greater risk of being infected by COVID-19, but also have poorer progressi1
High blood pressure is one of the most common diseases in elderly people. This group is also more susceptible to COVID, and to developing the most se1
It has been observed that cardiovascular disease and COVID-19 are related in various ways, one of the most dangerous of which is patients with heart1
Measuring blood pressure at home is a reliable way to control hypertension and, at the same time, prevent future health problems. Arterial hypertens1