Researchers validate a scale to evaluate self-stigmatisation in epilepsy
Researchers at IDIBAPS-Hospital Clínic have led a study that has validated the ‘Escala de Autoestigma en Epilepsia’ (ESSS-S), a Spanish-language vers1
Researchers at IDIBAPS-Hospital Clínic have led a study that has validated the ‘Escala de Autoestigma en Epilepsia’ (ESSS-S), a Spanish-language vers1
Low atmospheric pressure and high relative air humidity seem to be associated with an increased risk of epileptic seizures. Meanwhile, high temperatu1
This Wednesday, the first episode of the second season of the ‘Information that cares for you/Information that cares’ podcast series will go live. Th1
From September 2021, Cannabidiol (CBD) will be marketed in Spain as the first medication used to treat refractory epilepsy, which does not respond we1
Approximately a quarter, 25.8%, of patients had seizures more frequently than before lockdown. Half felt more anxious or depressed than us1