What research is being done in mental health?
Mental disorders are alterations of health that are characterized by a combination of dysfunctions of thoughts, emotions, and behavior, which often m1
Mental disorders are alterations of health that are characterized by a combination of dysfunctions of thoughts, emotions, and behavior, which often m1
Led by researchers from IDIBAPS-Hospital Clínic Barcelona, the study shows that the technique can be a safe and effective alternative for complex cas1
Over the next three years, the Xartec, Tecsam and i4kids networks will promote innovation in the fields of health technologies, mental health and pae1
That is the conclusion of a study evaluating all the clinical tools used for the early diagnosis of this disorder. This information makes it is easie1
The list, published by Clarivate Analytics, identifies the most influential experts, who are among the 1% most highly cited in their speciality in di1
On 3 November 2022, the TV3 Marató Foundation announced the research projects that will receive funding from the 2021 Marató, dedicated to mental dis1
Over the next three years, Eduard Vieta and his team will lead the Clínic-IDIBAPS contribution to this project, which has the support of the European1
Researchers from the Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS and the CIBERSAM participate in a study that evidences the involvement of numerous genes in the developm1
A new international study, in which Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS researchers took part, shows that people with schizophrenia who are not eligible for clin1
Mediterranean diet or mindfulness-based stress reduction interventions during pregnancy reduce the prevalence of low birth weight by 29-36% as well a1