Regular consumption of sardines has a preventive effect against type 2 diabetes
Nutrients present in sardines in high quantities, such as taurine, omega 3, calcium and vitamin D, have a protective role to play against this diseas1
Nutrients present in sardines in high quantities, such as taurine, omega 3, calcium and vitamin D, have a protective role to play against this diseas1
A study shows that sleep duration in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality. Sleeping1
The improvement in controlling and treating diabetes mellitus type 1 has meant better survival rates in those affected by this disease. This is why t1
Recently published data indicates that people with obesity are not only at greater risk of being infected by COVID-19, but also have poorer progressi1
The low blood sugar (glucose) levels experienced by people with diabetes can affect the brain. A sudden drop in glucose causes neuronal death and, as1
Any infection in a person who suffers diabetes has a double risk: on the one hand, it may decompensate the diabetes itself; and on the other, any com1
Tobacco is associated with both an increase in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and there is a clear relationship between smoking during pregna1
Numerous studies have shown that most people put on weight over the Christmas holidays. Huge meals and a lack of physical exercise are two reasons be1
Studies carried out in the 1990s showed that controlling glucose levels through multiple doses of insulin reduced the risk of complications, but incr1
Language can have a strong impact on people\'s perceptions and behaviours. Certain forms of communication about diabetes have been shown to be more e1