What factors are associated with physical inactivity in patients with bronchiectasis?
Being physically active and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle is one of the key factors in preventing respiratory infections in patients with bronchiect1
Being physically active and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle is one of the key factors in preventing respiratory infections in patients with bronchiect1
It is the first platform specifically designed for this type of patient. It offers holistic patient follow-up, including physical training1
The Care and Therapeutic Education Programme (Programa de Atención y Educación Terapéutica or PAET, in Spanish) was shown to be effective in improvin1
Vasculitis is a group of rare autoimmune diseases that, until now, have mainly been treated with corticosteroids and other immunosuppressants. Cortic1
Patients with bipolar disorder are at greater risk of developing cancer at some point in their lifetime. A study carried out by the Hospital Clínic’s1
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona has performed the first operation in Spain using a new laparoscopic surgery technique that fuses 3D and 4K image reprodu1
Hospital Clínic participated in a study which shows that the implantation of pacemakers and defibrillators has dropped by more than 50% during th1
A healthy diet and maintaining healthy habits will contribute to caring for your mental health. To highlight the importance of diet in mental health,1
Women with heart disease are less likely to receive surgical treatment than men, even though it is associated with greater benefits for women. Data f1
A study shows that sleep duration in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality. Sleeping1