IDIBAPS is a partner in the OperA project, financed by the Horizon Europe programme
Maria Pellisé will lead the Institute's contribution to the project, which is aimed at validating the use of artificial intelligence-assisted colonos1
Maria Pellisé will lead the Institute's contribution to the project, which is aimed at validating the use of artificial intelligence-assisted colonos1
The University of Pennsylvania professor and pioneer in developing cancer therapies using T cells covered the history, current state, and future chal1
In the next three years, the projects selected, led by Elías Campo, Patrícia Pérez Galán and Josep Dalmau, are aimed at studying how cancer cells mod1
The study, published in the journal The Lancet Neurology, compares the cognitive and psychiatric symptoms of patients with those of schizophrenia and1
The project will be carried out by researchers from the IDIBAPS Systems Neurosciences group, led by Mavi Sánchez-Vives.
The grant, worth 150,000 euros over 18 months, will enable the group led by Jaime de la Rocha to improve the prototype of a 24/7 automatic behavioura1
The researchers’ goal is to develop a method to reverse the exhaustion that affects T-cells during protracted battles with tumor cells, preventing th1
The study, led by researchers from Hospital Clínic – IDIBAPS, concludes that high-intensity physical exercise damages the aorta and carotid artery by1
An international study, published in Nature Genetics, identifies more than 100 new genes involved in the disease and defines new groups of patients w1