The Hospital Clínic, the first public hospital in Spain to operate with the Hugo robot
Dr. Antonio Alcaraz performed kidney surgery using this system, which will allow more patients to be operated on at a lower cost
Dr. Antonio Alcaraz performed kidney surgery using this system, which will allow more patients to be operated on at a lower cost
The Hospital Clínic has the only laboratory where the analysis of the samples from the Catalan Neonatal Screening Programme is centralized, in order1
The MITMEVA project led by the Hospital Clínic Barcelona Cardiovascular Institute has included patient number 100 with aortic valve stenosis (AVS). T1
56 km and 3,500 metres elevation gain. At the end of August, Sheila Avilés won the UTMB Mont-Blanc OCC race after receiving treatment at the Hospital1
The Hospital Clínic de Barcelona has consolidated its kidney and pancreas transplantation programme, and is the Spanish centre that performs the high1
Since 1 November, the Transversal Home Hospitalization Unit have 1 more doctor and 3 more nurses, increasing its capacity for patient care. In 7 year1
The Hospital Clínic de Barcelona has successfully performed the first kidney transplant in Spain on a 90-year-old patient. This milestone achievement1
So far this season, the Hospital Clínic has assessed 22 possible cases of mushroom poisoning, three of which were serious
AIDPathology is an innovative artificial intelligence project led by the Anatomic Pathology Department of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona in collabo1
The Hospital Clínic de Barcelona recently set up a new orthogeriatric ward located at its Plató Centre. This unit is aimed at patients over 75 years1