The importance of annual flu vaccination for healthcare personnel
The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasised the importance of vaccination. Every year the public faces the influenza virus, which causes more than 200,000 d1
The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasised the importance of vaccination. Every year the public faces the influenza virus, which causes more than 200,000 d1
The Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS is carrying out a trial to explore the effects of a diet enriched with walnuts for two years on healthy ageing in individ1
This year, the campaign places the emphasis on the combined protection provided by the flu vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine.
IDIBAPS researchers describe, for the first time, the role of ductular reaction in the formation of new blood vessels.
The study, published in the journal Molecular Metabolism, has involved the participation of IDIBAPS researchers.
The selected projects will focus on the development of new technologies to address unmet needs in Spanish and European health systems CATI Incubator1
Interview with Dr. Luisa Lázaro, Head of the Child and Youth Psychiatry and Psychology Service. We speak to her about how the restrictions derived fr1
A team of physicians and researchers from UPF and from the hospitals Santa Creu i Sant Pau and Clínic de Barcelona, shows that the use of this innova1
The goal of the project is to find out the critical factors that destabilise protein drugs during their handling at hospitals and patients’ homes.
The new equipment allows two surgical procedures to be performed at the same time and corrects myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism