The Hospital Clínic performs 100 robotic knee replacement surgeries in only 16 months
The Hospital Clínic de Barcelona has performed 100 robotic knee replacement surgeries in just over 16 months. It is the only public centre in Catalon1
The Hospital Clínic de Barcelona has performed 100 robotic knee replacement surgeries in just over 16 months. It is the only public centre in Catalon1
Castaño, a researcher in the IDIBAPS group Pathogenesis and Prevention of Diabetes and CIBERDEM, has been recognized for his junior basic research in1
First study in people with type 1 diabetes that demonstrates the relationship between poor control of glucose levels and an increased risk of foot ul1
Interview wth Dr. José Hernández-Rodríguez, consultant in the Autoimmune Diseases Service at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona.
The publication collects the latest advances in neurology since 2002 and in the commemoration of its twentieth anniversary highlights the guidelines1
Both diseases have clinical manifestations that may be similar, but a study, in which IDIBAPS researchers have participated, has identified markers t1
The Hospital Clínic de Barcelona recently performed 9 transplants in under 48 hours. This milestone had never been recorded before at the Hospital an1
The report, published in the journal Brain, describes the challenges in transforming and applying research advances in this regenerative therapy into1
In late 2021, Michela Bertero joined IDIBAPS as its new Director of Strategy. After her first few months in the job, she tells us how she views the i1
According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health, alcohol and tobacco are still the most common drugs taken legally in Spain, followed by the1