Aelix Therapeutics gets €11.5M for therapeutic HIV vaccine
Aelix Therapeutics, a drug development company created from the HIVACAT project and specialized in the discovery and development of immunotherapies a1
Aelix Therapeutics, a drug development company created from the HIVACAT project and specialized in the discovery and development of immunotherapies a1
The CIBERER (Networked Biomedical Research Center for Rare Diseases) has incorporated two new research groups, among them the Pathogenesis of autoim1
IDIBAPS researchers in collaboration with CIBERNED scientists identify for the first time, in a study published in EMBO Molecular Medicine, numerous1
IIBB-CSIC and IDIBAPS researchers have published an article in Scientific Reports describing the role of lysosomes in the damage caused by acetamino1
Hospital Clinic of Barcelona performed pioneer worldwide kidney transplantation by implanting the kidney transvaginally in the recipient. This is a m1
Scientists headed by Raúl Méndez, ICREA research professor at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), and Mercedes Fernández, at1
Dr. Leticia Moreira, specialist at the Gastroenterology Department at Hospital Clinic and researcher at the Gastrointestinal and Pancreatic Oncology1
Hospital Clinic of Barcelona celebrates in 2015 the creation, 20 years ago, of the Functional Neurosurgery Program, the first of its kind to be impl1
According to a study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, patients with bipolar disorder who have followed a functional remediation progr1
In the World Diabetes Day and in the framework of the Week of Science, IDIBAPS organized at Centre Cívic Urgell several activities to raise awarenes1