Statins efficacy confirmed in advanced phases of cirrhosis in an animal model
Researchers from IDIBAPS publish a translational paper in Gastroenterology demonstrating that statins improve survival and main clinical symptoms in1
Researchers from IDIBAPS publish a translational paper in Gastroenterology demonstrating that statins improve survival and main clinical symptoms in1
The second call of BITRECS (Biomedicine international training research for excellent clinician-scientists) has been opened. BITRECS is the IDIBAPS’1
Researchers from ICFO and IDIBAPS go one step forward in the understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the appearance and development of1
A team of researchers from IDIBAPS show for the first time the complete epigenome of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, the most common type of leukaemia1
Two researchers from the Hepatic Oncology Unit at Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS have participated in the development of the new clinical practice guideline1
Gisela Sugranyes, head of the research group on Multimodal neuroimaging in high risk and early psychosis at IDIBAPS, psychiatrist at Hospital Clinic1
Researchers at Hospital Clínic and IDIBAPS in collaboration with the USR Metropolitana Nord-IDIAP Jordi Gol, from the Catalan Institute of Health, ha1
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona and Mobile World Capital Barcelona have presented today, as part of the GSMA Mobile World Congress, a pilot project that1
Researchers from IDIBAPS and the University of Barcelona have developed a virtual reality system so that men who have committed a crime of gender vio1