The Vodafone 5G Network will connect surgeons around the world in a pioneer telemedicine project
Vodafone Spain will be the technological supplier of the 5G network necessary to connect surgeons around the world within the \'Telestration\' projec1
Vodafone Spain will be the technological supplier of the 5G network necessary to connect surgeons around the world within the \'Telestration\' projec1
The body of knowledge about the human brain is growing exponentially, but questions big and small remain unanswered. Researchers have been using elec1
The new protocol of the Catalan Public Health Agency will improve disease surveillance and control .
The European Research Council (ERC) today announced the results of the 2018 Synergy Grants call for proposals. The aim of Synergy Grants is to addres1
The project, funded by EDCTP, will test the efficacy of adding ivermectin to the current treatment against soil-transmitted helminthiasis.
A scientific study led by researchers at Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS, the University of Barcelona and the CIBERES, conducted with animal models, states t1
There are more clinical phenotypes of severe malaria than those defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), according to a study led by ISGlobal,1
Researchers from IDIBAPS publish a translational paper in Gastroenterology demonstrating that statins improve survival and main clinical symptoms in1
The second call of BITRECS (Biomedicine international training research for excellent clinician-scientists) has been opened. BITRECS is the IDIBAPS’1