The Biomedical Diagnostic Center

The Biomedical Diagnostic Center (CBD) is the organizational and management structure where the various specialties of the Clinical Laboratories belonging to the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona are grouped.

The Biomedical Diagnostic Center is defined as a patient-centered biomedical diagnostic laboratory that provides quality services through technological innovation and the development of the knowledge of its healthcare professionals. The CBD works to lead laboratory medicine, with the generation and integration of new information and technological changes, and to be recognized as an outstanding  center of attention.

The CBD is organized into four Services that encompass the Laboratory's specialties: Pathological Anatomy, Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, 
Immunology and  Microbiology

There are, moreover, two Operating Areas: the CORE Laboratory, CORE Molecular Biology Laboratory.

The Operational Areas allow the most frequent and automated CBD tests to be centralized in a common technical and organizational structure. Both laboratories, which are pioneers in the organization, have become world-renowned role models in this field.

In addition, the CBD has a number of complementary areas of support in the organization (Quality, Customer Management, Coordination of Information Systems, etc.) for the management of processes common to all laboratories.

Appointment of Dr.Miguel Ángel Benítez, Director
"The CBD works to lead laboratory medicine, with the generation and integration of new information and technological changes, and to be recognized as an outstanding center of attention".

What are we dealing with?

These are the main health issues addressed in the CBD.

Last year in numbers


The CBD brings together all the laboratories of the Hospital, which helps healthcare professionals establish diagnoses. See Organization
See organization


The CBD is a leading center, involved in the search for procedures that improve its effectiveness. See Research
See research

Teaching and Training

The activity of the center is transferred to the classrooms to ensure the transmission of knowledge. See Teaching and Training
See teaching and training

Team of professionals

The CBD is made up of a team of more than 400 healthcare professionals, about 100 of whom are doctors in the different specialties of the Laboratory. The organizational model of the CBD —in the management of which Mrs. Alba Roset, General Coordinator of Technicians, also participates— was implemented in 2020 with a primary focus on the customer and was based on technological criteria. The main objective of this model is to respond to the need to optimize resources and, at the same time, ensure the most advanced technological development in assistance and research.


Miguel Ángel Benítez Management
The Biomedical Diagnostic Center
M. Dolores Jaen Head Nurse
Gemma Lorente Economic-financial head

Assistive Devices

The CBD's healthcare activity is carried out in the following organizations:

See assistive devices