Organization - The Clínic's Institute of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology

BCNatal's healthcare activity at the Clinical Institute of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology is carried out through the following three Services:

  • Maternal and Fetal Medicine

    It serves normal pregnancies, being as it is a national and international reference point for maternal and fetal diseases. Integration has made BCNatal one of the largest maternity hospitals in Spain and Europe in number of births, and one of the largest reference points for fetal medicine in the world, with more than 3,500 first fetal medical visits, 25,000 specialized ultrasounds and 100-140 fetal surgeries each year over the last 10 years.

    It combines the ability to handle the most complex situations, focused on caring for people, both in cases of normal pregnancies and those presenting risks. It is one of the pioneering centers in the humanization of natural childbirth, and has adapted rooms and protocols in keepingwith the maximum respect for childbirth.

    Specific courses are offered for maternal education of pregnant women focused on improving fetal neurodevelopment and bonding. In the same line of action, postpartum and breastfeeding support courses are offered 365 days a year.

  • Gynecology

    It provides the highest level of health care to women with gynecological problems and carries out activities to promote health care in healthy women. The Service's mission is to provide advanced, individualized (patient-centered) gynecology across the spectrum of modern gynecology, including benign disease, gynecologic oncology and endocrinology, and reproduction. It has available several areas of care, all of which are internationally recognized, with a high volume of activity: Assisted Reproduction, Gynecological Oncology, Pelvic Floor and Endometriosis.

  • Neonatology

    BCNatal offers the principal techniques and options for neonatal diagnosis, follow-up and treatment currently available, from care for the very low-risk healthy baby (neonatal nest) to the extremely premature newborn (neonatal ICU level IIIB). The Neonatology Service is a national reference point for neonatal disease, especially prematurity, thanks to both the joint work with the Materno-Fetal Medicine Service and in the strategic context of BCNatal. It cares for 3,000 newborns each year, with more than 500 admissions, more than 100 of which are extremely premature babies.

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