Research - The Clínic's Institute of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology

The research led by ICGON is carried out through different institutions. It has a large number of published articles that are structured as follows:

Maternal and Fetal Medicine. The BCNatal group has a research center with one of the world's largest scientific productions in its field, with more than 400 articles published in scientific journals, 40 doctoral theses, more than 50 competitive projects and 20 million euros of funding in the last 10 years. The research is also carried out at the August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS), in the area o

  • Liver, digestive system and metabolism

    The most specialized lines are growth retardation and preeclampsia, prematurity, and the impact of these problems on fetal programming of neurodevelopment and cardiovascular health, fetal therapy and surgery, and the influence of the environment on maternal and fetal health.

Gynecology Service. Many of the members of this service are part of IDIBAPS, as well as forming part of the area of Liver, Digestive System and Metabolism.

Neonatology Service. It works, as part of BCNatal, in collaboration with the Neonatology Service of the Sant Joan de Déu Hospital in Barcelona. Professionals from both services are part of the SAMID Network. As a group they have several competitive research projects, especially from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, and with stable funding as an AGAUR research group. The Service has a national and international reference research group in the field of prenatal exposure to substances of abuse such as alcohol. It has an average scientific output of 15 publications per year. It incorporates an analytical laboratory service and an emerging technological innovation section.