Sexual Violence at Clínic

Reading time: 1 min

Clínic Barcelona hospital is the referral centre for the care of sexual violence victims in the city of Barcelona 

The Hospital Clínic has a comprehensive model of care for sexual violence victims. It is a health care model that involves the accident and emergency department and monitoring. An interdisciplinary team with different professionals and levels of care carries out this treatment. The programme guarantees a victim-centred approach, offering the patient support, respect in the decisions made, and avoiding secondary revictimization.  

As a referral hospital for this type of violence against individuals over 16 years of age, the Hospital Clínic has an internal protocol that is successfully followed when a person is sexually assaulted. The protocol involves professionals from different areas: nursing; social work; gynaecology; surgery; psychiatry and psychology; and professionals specializing in infectious diseases. The protocol is designed to provide victims with proactive treatment, emotional support, empathy and someone who can listen to them. 

The Hospital Clínic de Barcelona maintains that violence causes illness and sexual assaults involve health risks, and cause new illnesses and mental health problems in the short and long term. The post-traumatic sequelae can appear immediately after the assault, or weeks or months later.

Self-Help Guide for Women Victims of a Recent Sexual Assault

Guía de Autoayuda para Mujeres Víctimas de una Agresión Sexual Reciente.pdf
Guía de Autoayuda para Mujeres Víctimas de una Agresión Sexual Reciente.pdf PDF - 1,04 MB

Substantiated information by:

Lluïsa García Esteve
Olga Puig Navarro
Teresa Echeverría

Published: 22 July 2021
Updated: 20 September 2021

The donations that can be done through this webpage are exclusively for the benefit of Hospital Clínic of Barcelona through Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica and not for BBVA Foundation, entity that collaborates with the project of PortalClínic.


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