- What is it?
- Caring at home
- Taking care of yourself
- Postural hygiene for carers
- Dependent person
- Communication with the dependent person
- Mobilising the dependent person
- Nutrition and the elderly
- Dysphagia
- Medications
- Personal hygiene
- Urinary incontinence
- Changes in bowel movements
- Pressure sores
- Changes in behaviour
- Insomnia
- Dementia
- The comunication
- Home environment and dementia
- Lack of appetite and dementia
- Changes in behaviour and dementia
- INFOSA project
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Mobilising the dependent person
Reading time: 4 min
Cuidando al cuidador - 7: La movili...
Accompanying while walking
This can be done in various ways:
- Place yourself to one side of the elderly person (on the other side of a walking stick, if used), take his or her hand in your far hand and place your other hand around the waist or shoulder. You simply walk with the person, by his or her side
- Place yourself in front, and place your forearms under the person’s arms, for him or her to hold on to. Your arms will guide and control the other person’s steps
- If the person tends to lean backwards, place yourself behind. Place your arms under the person’s armpits
- Remember that there are devices that can be very helpful for added safety
Cuidando al cuidador - 9: La movili...
Turning a person in bed:
- Position yourself on the side of the bed to which the person will be turned
- Separate the nearest arm to you and fold the other arm over the belly
- Cross the far leg over the nearer leg
- Hold the person by the shoulder and hip, and pull towards you
- Reposition the hip and shoulder
- Take care with ears, shoulders and elbows to prevent pressure sores
Cuidando al cuidador - 10: La movil...
Towards the edge of the bed:
- Position yourself on the side of the bed to which the person will be moved
- Pass one arm under the shoulder, holding on to the person by the other armpit
- Place your other arm under the person’s hips
- This can be done in three steps. Use your body as a protection barrier
Cuidando al cuidador - 11: La movil...
From bed to chair:
- Bring the chair close to the bed and ensure it is secure
- Stand on one side of the bed
- Separate the person’s arm closer to you or fold it over the person’s chest
- Bring their far leg over on top of the other
- Place one hand on the person’s shoulder blade and the other on the far knee
- Begin to move and change direction, bending your legs and blocking the person’s legs with yours
- Stabilise the person by pushing the knees down to rest his or her feet on the floor
- Hold by the waist, lift and turn on the fixed leg
- Stability is key: hold on to something if necessary
Cuidando al cuidador - 12: La movil...
Positioning in the chair:
- Ask the individual to fold his or her arms over the belly and lean forward
- From behind, take hold of the person’s arms and pull back, until his or her bottom touches the back of the chair
Transfer from sitting to sitting:
- Position the chair so it is perpendicular to the other chair/WC
- Place yourself in front and with your feet facing the direction of the turn
- Wrap your arms around the person or hold securely by his or her belt
- Move your body backwards to lift him or her from the chair
- Turn together
- Lean forwards to bring the person into a sitting position
- Remove barriers, avoid rugs and uneven flooring, and ensure the room is well lit
- Prevent postural hypotension. Do not lift the person directly from the bed to the upright position. It is better to remain seated for around five minutes, before bringing the person upright
- Take exercise within his or her possibilities
- Try to complete activities without rushing
- Optimise the person’s mobility by using devices and adapting the house with the right fittings and tools, such as bars and rails
- Optimise when medication is taken
- Use closed footwear, with a flat heel, and avoid inappropriate clothing (e.g. overly long trousers) that makes it harder to walk or easy to trip over
- Appropriate height of the bed, chairs, WC, etc.
- Keep the house tidy, as this makes it safer
- Use spectacles and hearing aids when awake
- Prevent toilet emergencies as far as possible
- When getting up, use the stronger side of the body
- If the person needs help or a particular device to walk, such as canes or a frame, check to ensure they are in good condition and that they are used properly
the following recommendations can be followed to help lift him or her back up:
- Ensure that the person is not injured, asking if he or she is all right
- Assess whether or not to call for help
- If the person is not injured, ask if he or she can get up
- If the person is unable to move with a little help, it is unlikely that you will be able to lift him or her by yourself. Try asking for help
It can be done in two ways:
- Have the person sit with his or her legs bent and feet together. Hold beneath the armpits and lift up
- Place the person on one side so as to go on all fours, by bending a leg and pushing up with the elbow on the floor. Bring the stronger leg forward, with the knee still on the floor, and lift up using both arms and legs
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