- What is it?
- Caring at home
- Taking care of yourself
- Postural hygiene for carers
- Dependent person
- Communication with the dependent person
- Mobilising the dependent person
- Nutrition and the elderly
- Dysphagia
- Medications
- Personal hygiene
- Urinary incontinence
- Changes in bowel movements
- Pressure sores
- Changes in behaviour
- Insomnia
- Dementia
- The comunication
- Home environment and dementia
- Lack of appetite and dementia
- Changes in behaviour and dementia
- INFOSA project
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Difficulty Swallowing in the Elderly
Reading time: 1 min
Cuidando al cuidador - 4: La nutric...
Dysphagia is the difficulty in swallowing solid foods and liquids, and even saliva. It can cause choking, malnutrition and dehydration, and even respiratory infections.
People suffering from dysphagia present a series of signs and/or symptoms that help to identify the problem:
- Coughing and/or clearing the throat during or after meals, and which tends to occur more when taking liquids
- Choking and drooling
- Changes to the voice at mealtimes
- Need to swallow more than once for the same bite
- Eating slowly and keeping food in the cheeks
- Lack of interest in eating, as it involves a great deal of effort
- Refusing certain foods that were previously accepted, due to fear of choking
- Avoid foods that are dry, fall apart or have mixed textures
- Use preparations such as gelatine or thickened water
- It is recommended to soften foods with sauces or by blending them
- If the elderly person uses false teeth, these should be firmly in place, and if not, it is best to advise the person to eat without them and to adapt the food
- Never use syringes or straws. Only use a spoon, as the light pressure that it exerts on the base of the tongue helps the reflex to the swallow
- Keep the individual upright for 30-60 minutes after the meal. Laying them down earlier could cause reflux
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