Teaching and Training - Unit of Diabetes

The teaching given by the Diabetes Unit is aimed, fundamentally, at improving knowledge of the current forms of treatment of the disease and its complications.

Postgraduate degrees

The Diabetes Unit has received accreditation from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) as an educational center for foreign doctors. Each year, it welcomes between 2 and 3 Endocrinology residents from other Spanish hospitals who undertake a stay in the Unit to complement their knowledge in advanced diabetes (MIRCOM), along with the stays of our own Center’s residents (from various specialties: Family and Community Medicine, Cardiology, Nephrology...) and the Endocrinology and Nutrition residents from our Hospital. Additionally, residents from different specialties and medical specialists from around the world carry out stays in various working groups of the Diabetes Unit (specific programs for diabetes and pregnancy, pancreas transplantation, diabetic retinopathy...).

The Unit has the first official master's degree aimed primarily at nursing professionals: Official Master's degree from the University of Barcelona: "Bases for the Care and Education of people with Diabetes". In addition, several members of the Unit collaborate as teachers in other Master's degrees, such as the Master's in Biomedicine at the University of Barcelona, the Master's in Innovation in Nutrition, Chronic Diseases and Healthy Aging at the University of Barcelona and, finally , the official Master's degree in clinical research of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Continuing education

The Unit teaches different courses:

  • Clinical Diabetes Forum. National scope, aimed at endocrinologists.
  • Course-workshop on technology applied to diabetes. Course conducted jointly by the Endocrinology Services of the Sant Joan de Déu Clinical and Pediatric Hospital. National scope, for endocrinologists and pediatricians dedicated to diabetes and for advanced practice nurses from the same teams.
  • Training week-stay for nursing. National scope, for Nurses.
  • Update day on diabetes for primary care doctors. AISBE area, aimed at doctors specializing in Family and Community Medicine.
  • Online course on the management of Diabetes Mellitus 2. Intended for Argentinian doctors with a one-week training stay at the Unit and for a maximum of six people.
  • Update session on gestational diabetes for Primary Care doctors of AISBE.
  • Update session on diabetic retinopathy for Primary Care doctors.

Currently, specific courses focused on addressing other complications, such as diabetic foot or cardiovascular risk in diabetes, are pending initiation and aimed at AISBE doctors.

News related with the Unit