The teaching of the Microbiology Service of the Hospital Clínic is aimed at the following areas: training of residents, training of FP2 technicians of the General Laboratory, training stays of residents and external doctors, teaching of undergraduate and master's students and continuing education of the staff.
Resident training
The Microbiology Service announces a resident position every year. It is applied alternately for graduates in medicine (MIR), pharmacy (FIR) or degrees related to biology (BIR). In recent years, the place in the Service has been the first chosen in Catalonia. Since 2014, five of the post-residency scholarships have been awarded to begin the doctoral dissertation, and three times with the distinction of the highest score. Three of the last five residents have also won the MSD Award for the hospital's top three residents.
Training of FP2 technicians
The Microbiology Service annually welcomes 10 students from the higher degree of General Laboratory to carry out company internships and receive training from staff laboratory technicians.
Stays of foreign doctors and residents
The Microbiology Service receives residents of Spanish centers each year for specific training of 2-3 months. Occasionally, residents of South American countries are accommodated for training stays of 3-6 months. Also specialists can come for short visits. The Service is part of the Collaborative Observer Centers of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID).
Degrees and master's degrees
The Microbiology Service coordinates one subject in the degree of Medicine, one in the degree of Biomedical Engineering and two in the degree of Biomedical Sciences. It also coordinates the Clinical Microbiology specialty of the Master of Clinical Research (UB.UAB, UPF). For this reason, the Service welcomes students each year to carry out their final degree project and their final master's thesis.
Continuing education
The Service conducts a weekly scientific session and a fortnightly bibliographic session. Physicians and residents attend at least one annual conference and monthly sessions of the Catalan Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology. Laboratory technical professionals carry out scheduled (monographic sessions, service sessions, online cross-training) and non-scheduled training activities (preparation of conferences, training in the use of specific equipment), which add up to a total of 1,050 hours per year.