Organization - Maternal and Fetal Medicine Service

The Maternal and Fetal Medicine Service is structured in four major physical areas and three functional areas: 

  • Physical areas. The physical areas, so defined by their structural and functional similarity, are:
    • Delivery room block, operating room, emergency room and Intermediate Obstetric Care Unit (UCOI; 5 beds). There are 7 delivery rooms and 2 operating rooms.

    • External consultation of fetal medicine and obstetrics. With 19 boxes.

    • Fetal medicine area

    • Two hospital wards with 30 beds (24 single rooms and a family space) (transversal areas throughout the Service)

  • Functional areas. The functional areas group care processes and have the following attributions:
    • Maternal Medicine Section:
      • General Obstetrics. Control of normal pregnancy, low and high birth risk.

      • Maternal and obstetric pathology. Maternal medical or surgical pathology. Obstetric pathology first, second and third trimester.

    • Fetal Medicine Section:
      • Fetal Medicine. Malformative and functional fetal pathology. Fetal therapy and surgery. Ultrasound screening

Within the functional areas, there are specific programs that deal with groups of specific diseases that are more important in the specialty due to the number of patients or the complexity of the disease. The specific clinical areas are directly responsible for the funcioning of all the clinical processes that are defined in their field, for the follow-up and decisions made concerning the cases, for the establishment of the clinical guidelines and for the teaching and research that is carried out. These units are at the same time attended by other medical specialists, both from the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona and from the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu in Barcelona.

  • Assistance activity. Consultation for non-risk pregnant women; Prenatal preparatory courses; Postnatal courses; Pelvic floor control consultation; Advanced role in perinatal and breastfeeding consultation.
  • Fetal Medicine programs. Prenatal diagnosis and genetic counseling. Surgical pathology. Cardiology. Neurology. Nephrourology. Hematology. Multiple gestation. Fetal growth.
  • Maternal Medicine programs. Perinatal Infections. Diabetes and pregnancy. Prematurity. Perinatal Psychiatry. First trimester pathology. Autoimmune diseases and pregnancy. Hypertension and risk of preeclampsia.

Since 2012, the Maternal and Fetal Medicine and Neonatology Services have been functionally integrated with the Obstetrics and Neonatology Services of the Hospital de Sant Joan de Déu in Barcelona, in the Center for Maternal, Fetal and Neonatal Medicine in Barcelona (BCNatal). The center has two headquarters with vertical structures corresponding to services and sections, but with a single transversal coordination of all the activity, with transversal operational areas.