Assistance Organization
From the healthcare point of view, the organizational model of the Hospital contemplates the following organic or functional structures:
- Institutes, Centers and Areas
- Services
- Sections
- Operational areas
- Assistive organizations
- Units
- Clinical programs
- Working groups
The Medical Directorate, together with the Nursing Directorate, is responsible for guaranteeing transversality throughout the Hospital. To carry out this task, from a healthcare point of view, it has the Emergency Department, the Medicine Department and the Surgical Department, which report directly to the Medical Department and provide services to all Institutes in their respective areas of action.
In a similar way, in order to ensure the highest quality of healthcare, teaching and research, the Medical Director coordinates the actions of the Director of Quality and Clinical Safety, the Director of Teaching, and the Director of Research and Innovation.
Moreover, the Director has recently created Clinical Programs, which integrate professionals from different specialties with the aim of developing a transversal strategic line of interest for the Hospital as a whole. The Programs offer policies, guidelines and services in certain areas of healthcare (for example, the Clinical Program for the prevention and control of infections related to healthcare, and for the optimal use of antibiotics).
The Clinical Hospital has Units and Work Groups, which are patient-oriented functional structures that integrate professionals from different specialties with common objectives in assistance, teaching and research around a certain disease or group of diseases. The hierarchical dependence of these structures is under the Institutes, but the Medical Director is responsible for ensuring their alignment with the strategic objectives of the Hospital.