Clínic Barcelona

Montse Cortijo, patient with Parkinson’s disease: “My arm was going numb and my hand was trembling. I could see that something was going on”

Montse Cortijo started to notice that her right arm was going numb, her hand was trembling and it was becoming increasingly difficult for her to do certain activities. “My son was one year old and I saw that something strange was happening”. Montse worked as a schoolteacher and when she was 32 she was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. She stopped driving and had to give up her job as a teacher. “If I couldn't take care of myself, obviously I couldn't take care of 20 children 3, 4 or 5 years old”, she explains

Parkinson Martí Garrido

there is no treatment available to cure or modify the progression of the disease.

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