Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the commitment of organizations to voluntarily apply ethical and environmental criteria in their relations with different interest groups —such as  healthcare professionals, patients, family members, suppliers and the community— beyond what is established in the legislation. The Clinic, in its role as a hospital committed to health and sustainability, adopts the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations to contribute to collective global action in the coming years to put an end to the current environmental emergency and to the growing social danger that the planet is experiencing.

Our social and sustainability commitment results in:


The hospital interacts with society through different projects and by the actions of groups of people, such as volunteers, active and retired healthcare professionals, etc., in order to bring about ta fruitful relationship between society and the vocation of a community hospital.


In line with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, at Hospital Clínic we work to promote sustainability from the economic, social inclusion and environmental protection points of view.

Solidarity and Cooperation

Through the FAHID (Humanitarian Aid and Development Fund), the financing of health cooperation and humanitarian aid projects or collaborations is managed, either at the international or local level.

Social Innovation

Trust, gratitude and generosity are fundamental values of the Clinic. They mean that people are always at the center, whether they are patients, family members or healthcare professionals. In this area, we promote, through transversal projects with other areas and institutes, the visualization and internalization of these values.


To promote culture and the humanities at the Clinic, actions and activities of artistic expression related to health are promoted. Art exhibitions, the promotion of music through the Clinical Choir, the revitalization of a book club, etc. are some of the cultural initiatives being promoted.


We work with associations and entities to improve the care of our patients.

La relación con las Asociaciones de pacientes

El Hospital Clínic de Barcelona establece y mejora de forma sistemática las vías de diálogo directo y escucha activa con las personas que atiende. Así mismo, y en línia con su compromiso con la excelencia, la calidad asistencial y la mejora continua, quiere tener en cuenta el conocimiento que existe en el seno de las asociaciones de pacientes con las que se relaciona.

En este marco, la formalización de la relación del Hospital con las Asociaciones de pacientes se plantea con dos objetivos fundamentales: facilitar su acceso a los diversos ​procesos relacionados con la experiencia de pacientes y disponer de un canal ordenado y sistemático para recoger las opiniones y sugerencias de las asociaciones de pacientes.

Más información sobre la vinculación


Asociaciones vinculadas

Documentation of interest

Política Ambiental_HCB.pdf
Política Ambiental PDF - 85 KB
Codi ètic i de bones pràctiques.pdf
Code of Ethics and Good Practices HCB PDF - 1,07 MB
ODS Pandèmia.pdf
ODS and Pandemic PDF - 5,01 MB
Politica Sostenibilitat i ODS.pdf
Política de Sostenibilidad y ODS PDF - 122 KB
Informe Compromís 2023_Clínic Barcelona.pdf
Informe de compromiso 2023 PDF - 34,62 MB

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