The International Passenger Service (SAVI) serves those users who travel to international destinations. We collect the personal data of each user (age, illnesses, allergies, desire for pregnancy, etc.) and their travel data (route, stays, time and place of the trip, etc.) offering advice customized according to the needs of each traveler and their medical history. These data allow for a recommendation based on an individual assessment of specific risks, such as a vaccination schedule or malaria prophylaxis, as well as recommending any other health measures that the traveler may need to take. This consultation should be arranged at least 4-8 weeks before the trip. However, last minute travelers should also avail themselves of a medical consultation.
The pre-trip consultation is a service co-financed by CatSalut, so it has a cost. However, all vaccines, except yellow fever, are subsidized and included in the consultation. The service is offered in person or online through a teleconferencing platform. The user can conduct the visit online and, if necessary, get the recommended vaccines from the International Passenger Service (SAVI).n appointment can be made in advance.
What do we offer?
The Hospital Clínic has developed an application for international travelers. It has been shown that more than 50% of users experience some mild symptoms during their journey. The Famba app was born out of the need to serve users while traveling. The aim is to accompany travelers, offering them not only information about the countries they are going to travel to, but also the possibility of talking to a doctor who specializes in international health when they need it. With this application we aim to make users feel more secure and at ease. Through a chat application they can ask for advice if they have health problems during their trip. They can also use the app to get a second opinion if they are hospitalized in the destination country.
3 out of 10 people traveling to tropical or subtropical countries experience symptoms during the trip, and one of these three may need to consult the Tropical Medicine service after the trip. This consultation is recommended for all those travelers or migrants from tropical countries who return with some travel-related symptoms. It is a specialized consultation that takes into account the origin of the travelers, their journey and the most important and probable illnesses they may have.
The main symptoms of travelers who are treated in this consultation are: fever (malaria, dengue, Zika, and other imported infectious diseases), skin lesions and diarrhea, among others. The Hospital Clínic, as a third-level reference center, receives a large number of those patients whose symptoms are highly complex. These patients are supported thanks to the high technical quality of the Hospital. This is a service integrated into CatSalut's healthcare coverage.
Tropical Medicine and International Health Consultation.
Carrer Rosselló, nº161, ground floor, Casanova wing. Phone: 93 227 54 07
Telephone service hours:
Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
For companies with workers who travel internationally, agreements are signed with the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona to facilitate International Health consultation services for these travelers.
If you are a business manager and think we can help your business by improving travel policies, feel free to contact us.
- Why are these agreements important to businesses?
- They ensure the prevention of health problems for all employees who travel internationally to destinations at risk of whatever kind.
- It saves company costs by improving employee performance, since diseases are avoided and as a result, there are fewer medical layoffs.
- It promotes a greater commitment of the workers to the company, since they feel the company is truly concerned for their welfare.
- Awards
- The travel monitoring platform, FAMBA, has received the Gebta Award for Best Initiative for Business Travel.
Contact us
Antes del viaje
- a11y.telephone93 227 93 00
Pide cita Online:
Horario de atención telefónica:
Mayo - Agosto - Lun-Vie 8:30h - 20:30h
Agosto - Mayo - Lun-Vie 8:30h - 15:00h - C/ Casanovas 150 bajos. 08036. Barcelona . This link opens in a new tab.
Después del viaje
- a11y.telephone93 227 93 00
Horario de atención telefónica:
Mayo - Agosto - Lun-Vie 8:30h - 20:30h
Agosto - Mayo - Lun-Vie 8:30h - 15:00h - C/ Casanovas 150 bajos. 08036. Barcelona . This link opens in a new tab.
Durante el viaje
Descárgate l'app FAMBA