General Info:
The information that appears on this website should be used to obtain general information on health risks and to consult information before traveling.
This information does not substitute a medical consultation under any circumstances. Ideally, travelers should see their health care provider four to six weeks before their trip. At the pretravel consultation, health risks will be assessed individually, taking into account the destination, trip duration, travel purpose, age, personal medical history and medications taken by the traveler.
There are risks that are relevant to all travelers regardless of their destination. Examples include traffic accidents and other types of accidents, diseases transmitted by insects and/or ticks, diseases transmitted by contaminated food and water, sexually transmitted infections, or health problems related to hot or cold weather.
All travelers should ensure they have adequate travel health insurance.
Travelers must be up-to-date on their immunization schedule, whether children or adults. For example, these vaccines include the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine; and diphtheria, tetanus, and poliomyelitis.
Some travelers may be at increased risk of contracting an infectious disease due to their age, job, lifestyle, or underlying diseases, so they should be up-to-date on additional recommended vaccines
Required Vaccines
There is no risk of yellow fever transmission. Following international health regulations, vaccination against meningococcal meningitis and seasonal flu is required for travelers attending the Hajj.
Recommended Vaccines
The vaccinations that appear in this section are recommended for some of the travelers that visit this country. Such vaccines should be evaluated during the personalized pretravel consultation.
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Tetanus-Diphtheria
- Typhoid Fever
- Rabies
There is no risk of malaria transmission in the country. Preventive treatment against malaria is not recommended.
Other Risks:
Problems Associated with Bathing in Fresh Water
There is a risk of developing schistosomiasis in rivers and lakes. They harbor a type of parasite that can penetrate through healthy skin when we swim or put our feet or hands in fresh water. Before traveling, you should check if the water of the rivers and lakes of the country of destination has this parasite (bilharzia or Schistosoma). There is no risk of schistosomiasis in salt water. However, risks such as bacterial infections or animal bites are present.