The Clínic's Institute of Digestive and Metabolic Diseases
Research - The Clínic's Institute of Digestive and Metabolic Diseases
Most of the ICMDM research is carried out through the August Pi Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS), where the research is organized in different groups. In addition, ICMDM researchers are part of other research structures such as the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CIBER), in the areas of liver and digestive diseases (CIBEREHD), diabetes and associated diseases (CIBERDEM), and obesity and nutrition (CIBEROBN).
In the framework of the IDIBAPS, the research of the ICMDM is carried out in the area of
The research is carried out through 27 groups, led by doctors from the Clinic or researchers from the IDIBAPS itself, who work in the same research area.
These groups work on multiple lines of research that integrate clinical and basic researchers in order to find solutions to problems in different fields of liver diseases and their complications, inflammatory and neoplastic diseases of the digestive system, diabetes, obesity and other metabolic diseases.
The results of the research of the ICMDM professionals are published in journals of great scientific renown. Some of the ICMDM researchers are among the most cited in the world, according to the list produced by Clarivate Analytics.
The ICMDM stimulates research among the youngest members of each service through mentoring, and provides tools to facilitate scientific career development. To convey the interest in research to the residents, the Institute holds training workshops on different aspects of the scientific method.