Genetics and urological tumours
Antonio Alcaraz -
Molecular pathology of lymphoid neoplasms
Elías Campo -
Translational colorectal cancer genomics
Jordi Camps -
Gastrointestinal and pancreatic oncology
Antoni Castells -
Genetic predisposition to gastrointestinal cancer
Sergi Castellví-Bel -
Experimental therapies in lymphoid neoplasms
Dolors Colomer -
Molecular pathology of inflammatory conditions and solid tumours
Miriam Cuatrecasas -
Myeloid neoplasms
Jordi Esteve -
Myeloma, amyloidosis, macroglobulinemia and other gammapathies
Carlos Fernández De Larrea -
Gene therapy and cancer
Cristina Fillat -
Cellular immunotherapies for cancer
Sònia Guedan -
Translational research in hepatic oncology
Josep M. Llovet -
Lymphoid neoplasms
Armando López-Guillermo -
Biomedical epigenomics
José Ignacio Martín-Subero -
Hepatocellular signaling and cancer
Albert Morales -
Microenvironment in lymphoma pathogenesis and therapy
Patricia Pérez-Galán -
Melanoma: imaging, genetics and immunology
Susana Puig -
Hepatic oncology (BCLC)
María Reig -
Molecular genetics of paediatric lymphomas
Itziar Salaverria -
Hematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation
Álvaro Urbano-Ispizua