An app helps to control Type 2 diabetes by promoting a healthy lifestyle
A team of researchers at IDIBAPS-Hospital Clínic Barcelona has shown that the Greenhabit mobile application can be useful for controlling Type 2 diab1
A team of researchers at IDIBAPS-Hospital Clínic Barcelona has shown that the Greenhabit mobile application can be useful for controlling Type 2 diab1
They are Metabolism and disease programme (MetaDis) and Translational research programme for brain disorders
A study by the Clínic-IDIBAPS presents the new preg-MEDAS questionnaire, which measures adherence to the Mediterranean diet in pregnant women. The st1
The Hospital Clínic Barcelona’s Healthcare Ethics Committee is responsible for advising on ethical dilemmas during healthcare practice. We talk to D1
Led by researchers from Clínic-IDIBAPS with support from Fundació \"la Caixa\", the study shows that pregnant women who follow a Mediterranean diet h1
IDIBAPS looks for talented professionals to meet the needs that appear periodically.