IDIBAPS holds the kick-off meeting for the Translational research programme for brain disorders
The Translational research programme for brain disorders was created to add to our knowledge of the biological foundations and factors that predispos1
The Translational research programme for brain disorders was created to add to our knowledge of the biological foundations and factors that predispos1
An international study published in the journal Nature has identified 36 genes involved in the onset and development of bipolar disorder and the fact1
Bipolar disorder is a chronic psychiatric condition characterised by the recurrent appearance of episodes of mania and depression interspersed with s1
They are Metabolism and disease programme (MetaDis) and Translational research programme for brain disorders
Clarivate Analytics has published its ranking of the most cited researchers in the world, the Highly Cited Researchers, which identifies the most inf1
IDIBAPS looks for talented professionals to meet the needs that appear periodically.