Mechanisms of action of lithium in bipolar disorder and other neurological diseases reviewed
Researchers at the Clínic-IDIBAPS have prepared a review article on the biology, mechanism of action, pharmacology and toxicology of lithium.
Researchers at the Clínic-IDIBAPS have prepared a review article on the biology, mechanism of action, pharmacology and toxicology of lithium.
Researchers at IDIBAPS-Hospital Clínic Barcelona are leading a study that has found links between rising temperatures and an increase in suicide. Pub1
The study shows an upward trend in emergency admissions related to eating disorders, self-harm and suicide ideation and attempts, particularly among1
Clarivate Analytics has published its ranking of the most cited researchers in the world, the Highly Cited Researchers, which identifies the most inf1
Researchers from the Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS have taken part in an international study that shows that cannabis and cannabinoids can improve some med1
IDIBAPS looks for talented professionals to meet the needs that appear periodically.