Scientific structure

    • Juan Abolafia Head of European and international projects
    • Sergio Camacho Head of Economic planning and Management control
    • Núria Castro Public tender responsable
    • Ernest Costa Head of ITC
    • Marta Fernández Head of Human Resources
    • Judit Martínez Head of the Project Management Unit
    • Guillem Masdeu Head of Legal Services
    • Sònia Meléndez Head of Accounting and Finance
    • Cristina Navas Head of Assets and General Services
    • Sandra Pérez Head of National Grants
    • Daniel Arbós Head of Communications
    • Gemma Llaverías Head of Scientific Coordination
    • Teresa Lloret Head of Knowledge and Techonology Transfer
    • Gemma Pascual Head of Academic Coordination
    • Sandra Piquer Head of Laboratories
    • Aina Rodríguez Vilarrupla Head of Core Facilities / Biobanc scientific director

Managing committee

Name Position
Elías Campo Director 
Josep Maria Llovet 'Translational research in hepatic oncology' group leader
Cristina Fillat 'Gene therapy and cancer' group leader
Neus Agell Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences - Universitat de Barcelona
Juan Carlos García-Pagán Research Deputy Director of Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
David Badia  Manager
Michela Bertero Director of Strategy
Antoni Castells

'Gastrointestinal and pancreatic oncology' group leader

Gisela Sugranyes 'Multimodal neuroimaging in high risk and early psychosis' group leader
Gemma Llaverías Head of Scientific Coordination

Director's advisory committee

Name Position
Elías Campo Director 
Josep Maria Llovet 'Translational research in hepatic oncology' group leader
Cristina Fillat 'Gene therapy and cancer' group leader
Neus Agell Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences - Universitat de Barcelona
Juan Carlos García-Pagán Research Deputy Director of Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
Antoni Castells  'Gastrointestinal and pancreatic oncology' group leader
Gisela Sugranyes 'Multimodal neuroimaging in high risk and early psychosis' group leader
David Badia  Manager
Michela Bertero Director of Strategy
Josep Maria Miró Area 1 Coordinator
Mª Cinta Cid Area 1 Coordinator
Joan Albert Barberà Area 2 Coordinator
Eduard Guasch Area 2 Coordinator
Mercedes Fernández Area 3 Coordinator
Xavier Forns Area 3 Coordinator
Albert Compte Area 4 Coordinator
Gisela Sugranyes Area 4 Coordinator
Josep M. Llovet Area 5 Coordinator
Iñaki Martín-Subero Area 5 Coordinator
Aleix Prat Area 5 Coordinator
Roser Cortés IIBB-CSIC director and representative
Elisenda Eixarch Committee of medical delegates representative
Neus Agell Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences -UB representative
Javier Domínguez   PhD Community Representative
Antoni Trilla Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences - UB
Antoni Sisó CAPSBE research committee president
Montserrat Batlle Company committee president
Fàtima Crispi Researcher of the 'Fetal and Perinatal medicine group'
Carmen Peralta 'Protective strategies against hepatic ischemia reperfusion injury' group leader
Azucena Salas 'Inflammatory bowel disease' group leader
Anna Maria Novials 'Pathogenesis and prevention of diabetes' group leader
Gemma Llaverías Head of Scientific Coordination