Living with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

Reading time: 3 min

Patients con obstructive sleep apnoea should follow a series of measures for its treatment and control.

Scale with a correct weight

Overweight. Losing weight is one of the first measures to take into consideration. Weight loss leads to an improvement in the symptoms and reduces the number of episodes of nighttime apnoea/hypopnoea. Significant weight loss can prevent the need for CPAP treatment, or can help patients already on it, by reducing the CPAP treatment pressure.

Man running; regular physical exercise

Exercise. Maintain an active lifestyle, perform regular physical activity.

Person sleeping on the bed lying on the side

Sleep on your side. People normally snore more and experience more episodes of apnoea when they sleep on their backs. For patients with apnoea who predominantly sleep on their back, strict postural treatment can prevent the need to use a CPAP device.

Person sleeping in bed

Follow good sleep hygiene habits. Sleeping enough hours and according to a regular routine is essential.

Strikethrough coffee

Avoid alcoholic and stimulating beverages and sedatives, especially shortly before going to bed.

Cigarette crossed out on a "no smoking" poster

Quit smoking.

Plate with eggs, sausage and fried potatoes crossed out

Avoid large evening meals.

How to alleviate the side effects of CPAP

CPAP humidifier

Rhinitis or nasal congestion. This is the main problem associated with the use of a CPAP machine. Adding a humidifier to the CPAP machine leads to improvement in most cases. Specific nasal treatment and/or an ENT assessment may be required if the problem persists.

Person with Continuous Positive Pressure Device

Skin lesions. These are caused by the mask adjustment straps. Liquid Vaseline® or special plasters often help patients get used to and tolerate the mask. It is a good idea to wash and hydrate the face with a moisturiser every morning. A consultation with the CPAP machine supplier may be advisable to review the adequacy of the model and mask size and placement. If the lesion persists, the patient should contact the specialist CPAP care nurse.

Person sitting in bed with headboard raised

Accumulation of air in the stomach (aerophagia). The head end of the bed should be raised slightly and sometimes specific symptomatic drug treatment is given. This usually disappears spontaneously with continued CPAP treatment. If not, or there is difficulty tolerating the treatment, you should consult your reference pulmonologist.

Person with CPAP and red eyes

Eye discomfort, conjunctivitis. This is normally due to leaks from areas where the mask is in contact with the skin, so the mask should be readjusted for a better fit.

Person with earplugs

Noise. Current equipment is very quiet. Any noise is often a sign of leaks around the mask due to poor mask placement or movement during the night.

Person lying in bed feeling cold

Cold sensation. The tubing can be inserted under the bedclothes or a humidifier can be added to the CPAP device.

Dry mouth from sleeping with mouth open with CPAP

Pharyngeal dryness. This occurs because snoring and apnoea cause water loss through the soft palate as the patient breathes. It usually stops of its own accord. In some cases, the dryness disappears with CPAP use; while, in others, it is the actual CPAP airflow that causes the dry throat. If it lasts for more than 4 weeks, contact the CPAP supplier so they can add a humidifier to the machine.


Nosebleed. Although they are not very common, nose bleeds can hamper the application of CPAP. To prevent them, humidify the nasal mucous membrane by drinking fluids; use room humidifiers or connect one directly to the CPAP device; or turn the heating down to prevent a dry environment. Systematic application of nasal creams may be very helpful in cases of nasal dryness.

Person with hand on temple with headache

Headaches. The cause remains unknown, but they usually disappear with normal painkillers and stop after a few days of use.

Person sitting up in bed due to insomnia

Insomnia, claustrophobia. These are very uncommon side effects that improve after a period of adaptation. If there is no improvement after a few weeks, you should talk to the pulmonologist.


The CPAP machine is a small, portable device, so you can always take it with you when travelling.

The unit includes a transformer which means it can be used practically anywhere in the world without having to make any additional adjustments. However, it may require an adaptor for the local power socket, where applicable. CPAP machines also come with a cable to connect to 12 and 24 V batteries, hence they can be used in lorries, motor homes, boats, and so on.

The CPAP machine should be carried in hand luggage rather than checked-in luggage. A travel certificate should also be taken to show the unit is for medical purposes. This certificate must be provided by the CPAP supplier.

Substantiated information by:

Cristina Embid
Josep M. Montserrat Canal
M Concepción Ruiz Sánchez

Published: 16 January 2020
Updated: 16 January 2020

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