Post-flu recommendations

Reading time: 1 min
Person lying in bed resting

Rest. You may still feel tired and not fully recovered after a hospital discharge. The most important thing is to continue resting at home, follow recommendations from the healthcare personnel and adhere to the indicated treatment.

Cigarette crossed out on a "no smoking" poster

Avoid toxic habits. If you smoke, you are strongly recommended to stop and also avoid excessive alcohol consumption. You shouldn’t drink alcohol.

Person drinking a standing glass of water

Diet. There are no specific dietary recommendations, but you should drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and follow a balanced diet.

Woman doing exercise
  • Physical exercise. Flu patients are advised to rest; nevertheless, you should try to follow your normal routine and exercise a little, if possible; provided this is not contraindicated by healthcare personnel. The best solution is to find a balance between periods of rest and activity throughout the day.
Travelling by plane

Travel. Unless essential, it is recommended not to travel and to prioritise rest for a faster recovery.

Substantiated information by:

Antoni Trilla
Gemina Santana
Marta Aldea

Published: 10 March 2020
Updated: 10 March 2020

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