Wednesday, February 12 2025. From 11:00h to 12:45h
The International Day of Women and Girls in Science at IDIBAPS
Esteve Auditorium, Esther Koplowitz Centre (CEK).
11 am Welcome. Sharing of the photo of the women of IDIBAPS and the ‘making of’ video.
11.15 am Lecture entitled ‘Enhancing Suicide Prevention on Social Media through Artificial Intelligence’ delivered by Ana Freire, the vice dean of Social Impact and Academic Innovation at the UPF Barcelona School of Management.
11.45 am Lecture entitled ‘Sex and Gender Bias in Artificial Intelligence for Health’ delivered by Davide Cirillo, the head of the Machine Learning for Biomedical Research Unit of the Department of Life Sciences of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC).
12.15 pm Discussion / colloquium moderated by IDIBAPS’ director of strategy, Michela Bertero.
12.45 pm End of the event.
Documents of interest
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