Publicaciones destacadas
L-Serine dietary supplementation is associated with clinical improvement of loss-of-function GRIN2B-related pediatric encephalopathy.
Soto, David; Olivella, Mireia; Grau, Cristina; Armstrong, Judith; Alcon, Clara;(...)Bayes, Alex; Sindreu, Carlos; Lopez-Sala, Anna; Garcia-Cazorla, Angels; Altafaj, Xavier.Referencia:Science Signaling 2019.
The LRRC8-mediated volume-regulated anion channel is altered in glaucoma
Gasull, Xavier; Castany, Marta; Castellanos, Aida; Rezola, Mikel; Andres-Bilbe, Alba;Canut, Maria Isabel; Estevez, Raul; Borras, Teresa; Comes, Nuria.Referencia:Scientific Reports 2019.
Anionic Phospholipids Bind to and Modulate the Activity of Human TRESK Background K+Channel
Giblin, Jonathan P; Etayo, Inigo; Castellanos, Aida; Andres-Bilbe, Alba; Gasull, Xavier;Referencia:Molecular Neurobiology 2019.
Migraine-Associated TRESK Mutations Increase Neuronal Excitability through Alternative Translation Initiation and Inhibition of TREK
Royal, Perrine; Andres-Bilbe, Alba; Prado, Pablo Avalos; Verkest, Clement; Wdziekonski, Brigitte;(...)Baron, Anne; Lesage, Florian; Gasull, Xavier; Levitz, Joshua; Sandoz, Guillaume.Referencia:Neuron 2019.
LGI1 antibodies alter Kv1.1 and AMPA receptors changing synaptic excitability, plasticity and memory
Petit-Pedrol, Mar; Sell, Josefine; Planaguma, Jesus; Mannara, Francesco; Radosevic, Marija;(...)Spatola, Marianna; Soto, David; Gasull, Xavier; Dalmau, Josep; Geis, Christian.Referencia:Brain 2018.
Human Autoantibodies against the AMPA Receptor Subunit GluA2 Induce Receptor Reorganization and Memory Dysfunction.
Haselmann, H; Werner, C; Schmidl, L; Grünewald, B; Kirmse, K;(...)Doose, S; Classen, J; Demir, F; Klöcker, N; Hallermann, S.Referencia:Neuron 2018.
Mechanisms of CPT1C-Dependent AMPAR Trafficking Enhancement
Gratacos-Batlle, Esther; Olivella, Mireia; Sanchez-Fernandez, Nuria; Yefimenko, Natalia; Miguez-Cabello, Federico;Fado, Rut; Casals, Nuria; Gasull, Xavier; Ambrosio, Santiago; Soto, David;.Referencia:Frontiers In Molecular Neuroscience 2018.
Pyrethroids inhibit K2P channels and activate sensory neurons: basis of insecticide-induced paraesthesias.
Castellanos, Aida; Andres, Alba; Bernal, Laura; Callejo, Gerard; Comes, Nuria;Gual, Arcadi; Giblin, Jonathan P; Roza, Carolina; Gasull, Xavier.Referencia:Pain 2018.
Acid-sensing ion channels detect moderate acidifications to induce ocular pain
Callejo, Gerard; Castellanos, Aida; Castany, Marta; Gual, Arcadi; Luna, Carolina;Carmen Acosta, M.; Gallar, Juana; Giblin, Jonathan P.; Gasull, Xavier;.Referencia:Pain 2015.