Fisiopatología y tratamiento de las enfermedades neurodegenerativas
Líneas de investigación
Group of neuroprotection and neuronal plasticity in basal ganglia disorders
Directed by Dr. Jordi Alberch
- Implication of neurotrophic factors and their receptors in the pathophysiology of basal ganglia disorders
- The study of the mechanisms that modulate connectivity and neuronal network dynamics in the basal ganglia by optogenetics and optopharmacology manipulation
- Development of molecules that modulate neuronal plasticity in the basal ganglia for treatment in movement disorders
Group of neurodegeneration and cognitive dysfunction in Huntington’s disease
Directed by Dr. Silvia Ginés
- To understand the differences underlying the mechanisms regulating mitochondrial dynamics within astrocytes and neurons to design new targets for pharmacological manipulation of mitochondrial disturbances in HD striatal neurons
- To evaluate the involvement of Cdk5 in the development and prevalence of depression in HD and to validate Cdk5 as a biomarkers and target to treat depression symptoms
- To investigate whether mutant huntingtin expression induces epigenetic modifications changes that contribute to memory and learning deficits in HD
- To investigate miRNAs alterations as biomarkers of disease progression in peripheral tissue (fibroblats, CSF…)
Group of kinases and phosphatases in neuronal function and dysfunction
Directed by Dr. Esther Pérez-Navarro
- To study the role of lamin B1 in the regulation of gene expression in hippocampal cells
- To evaluate alterations in nuclear lamina and their involvement in the pathophysiology of Huntington’s disease
- To analyze whether altered translation contributes to motor and cognitve deficits in Huntington’s disease
- To study the contribution of small RNAs to Huntington’s disease pathogenesis
Group of stem cells and regenerative medicine
Directed by Dr. Josep M Canals
- To study the mechanisms underlying the differentiation of stem cells into specific neuronal populations for cell-based therapies in neurodegenerative disorders
- Characterization of extrinsic factors and new transcription factors of human and mouse brain development for application in stem cell differentiation
- Development of therapeutic approaches with mesenchimal stem cells to striatal neurons using gene therapy ex vivo