Ginecología, reproducción humana y salud de la mujer
Publicaciones destacadas
High persistence in Spanish transgender minors: 18 years of experience of the Gender Identity Unit of Catalonia
De Castro, C; Solerdelcoll, M; Plana, MT; Gómez-Gil, E; Vidal, A;Halperin, I; Mora, M; Castelo-Branco, C; Ribera, L.Referencia:Revista De Psiquiatria Y Salud Mental 2024.
HPV vaccination coverage in women between 15 and 55 years old in Spain: Temporal trend during the period 2007-2020
Ramírez, M; de la Fuente, J; Hernández, JJ; Andía, D; Fiol, G;Torné, A.Referencia:International Journal Of Gynecology & Obstetrics 2022.
Pre-induction cervical ripening with different initial doses of intravaginal misoprostol: time to delivery and peri-natal outcomes
Lucena, MP; Gómez, JD; Gonzalez, AJD; Castelo-Branco, C;Referencia:Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynaecology 2022.
Weight gain in menopause: systematic review of adverse events in women treated with black cohosh
Naser, B; Castelo-Branco, C; Meden, H; Minkin, MJ; Rachón, D;Beer, AM; Pickartz, S.Referencia:Climacteric 2022.
Preliminary results of a vaginal constraint for reducing G2 late vaginal complications after postoperative brachytherapy in endometrial cancer: a prospective analysis
Zhang, Y; Gomez, G; Ascaso, C; Herreros, A; Fornes, B;(...)Tagliaferri, L; Sabater, S; Torne, A; Biete, A; Rovirosa, A.Referencia:Clinical & Translational Oncology 2022.
Evaluation of patients with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer before primary treatment: correlation between tumour burden assessed by [<sup>18</sup>F]FDG PET/CT volumetric parameters and tumour markers HE4 and CA125
Glickman, A; Carreras-Diéguez, N; Pahisa, J; Fusté, P; Del Pino, M;(...)Romero, I; Gaba, L; Fernández-Galán, E; Carrasco, JL; Gil-Ibáñez, B.Referencia:European Radiology 2022.
Assessment of Sexual Quality of Life and Satisfaction in Couple Relationships Among Women With Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis and Adenomyosis
Alcalde, AM; Martínez-Zamora, MA; Gracia, M; Ros, C; Rius, M;Carmona, F.Referencia:Journal Of Sex & Marital Therapy 2022.
Impact of SARS-COV2 Pandemic on Patients with Endometriosis and Their Health Care
Nicolás, I; Martínez-Zamora, MA; Gracia, M; Feixas, G; Rius, M;Carmona, F.Referencia:Journal Of Womens Health 2022.
Donor robotic-assisted laparoscopy for uterus transplantation
Díaz-Feijoo, B; Rius, M; Gracia, M; Carmona, F; Musquera, M;Peri, L; Alcaraz, A; Magaldi, M.Referencia:Fertility And Sterility 2022.
Current lifestyle and exclusive breastfeeding: an impossible balance?
Duro-Gomez, Jorge; Franco Jimenez, Adriana; Gonzalez Jimenez, Cristina; Duro Gomez, Lourdes; Castelo-Branco, Camil;Referencia:Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynaecology 2022.