Líneas de investigación

  • Analyze different biomarkers to predict patients’ outcomes and prognosis

    Patients with different complications of cirrhosis will be prospectively studied. Urine and blood samples will be analyzed to assess the accuracy of different biomarkers (NGAL, angiopoetin, among others) to predict patients outcomes.

  • Characterization of systemic and hepatic inflammation and gut microbiome in patients with cirrhosis, encompassing all stages of the disease

    Patients will be divided according to disease stage: from compensated to decompensated and ACLF. Systemic and hepatic inflammation will be investigated and characterized form isolated cells from systemic inflammation and from the liver. Systemic inflammation will be also characterized using a mutliplex analysis of different systemic inflammatory biomarkers such as cytokines and chemokines. Moreover, gut microbiome will be studied across different stages of the disease.

  • Screening for liver fibrosis. A population-based study in European countries. The 'LiverScreen' project

    The aim of this project is to prove the cost-effectiveness of screening for liver fibrosis in general population using transient elastography.

  • Studying different strategies to halt disease progression

    A multicenter, double-blind, placebo controlled randomized clinical trial to study the safety and efficacy of the combination of simvastatin plus rifaximin in patients with decompensated cirrhosis.

    A randomized trial to assess the efficacy of albumin administration in patients with hyponatremia and cirrhosis.