Predisposición genética al cáncer gastrointestinal
Publicaciones destacadas
BMPR2 as a Novel Predisposition Gene for Hereditary Colorectal Polyposis
Bonjoch, Laia; Fernandez-Rozadilla, Ceres; Alvarez-Barona, Miriam; Lopez-Novo, Anael; Herrera-Pariente, Cristina;(...)Fernandez-Banares, Fernando; Carracedo, Angel; Jover, Rodrigo; Castellvi-Bel, Sergi; Ruiz-Ponte, Clara.Referencia:Gastroenterology 2023.
Germline mutations in WNK2 could be associated with serrated polyposis syndrome
Soares de Lima, Yasmin; Arnau-Collell, Coral; Munoz, Jenifer; Herrera-Pariente, Cristina; Moreira, Leticia;(...)Ruiz-Ponte, Clara; Valle, Laura; Balaguer, Francesc; Bonjoch, Laia; Castellvi-Bel, Sergi.Referencia:Journal Of Medical Genetics 2023.
Deciphering colorectal cancer genetics through multi-omic analysis of 100,204 cases and 154,587 controls of European and east Asian ancestries
Fernandez-Rozadilla, Ceres; Timofeeva, Maria; Chen, Zhishan; Law, Philip; Thomas, Minta;(...)Tomlinson, Ian; Zheng, Wei; Dunlop, Malcolm; Houlston, Richard; Peters, Ulrike.Referencia:Nature Genetics 2023.
Evaluating the Potential of Polygenic Risk Score to Improve Colorectal Cancer Screening
Arnau-Collell, Coral; Diez-Villanueva, Anna; Bellosillo, Beatriz; Auge, Josep M; Munoz, Jenifer;(...)Grau, Jaume; Castells, Antoni; Borras, Josep M; Moreno, Victor; Castellvi-Bel, Sergi.Referencia:Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 2022.
Colorectal cancer genetic variants are also associated with serrated polyposis syndrome susceptibility
Arnau-Collell, Coral; Soares de Lima, Yasmin; Diaz-Gay, Marcos; Munoz, Jenifer; Carballal, Sabela;(...)Balaguer, Francesc; Ruiz-Ponte, Clara; Valle, Laura; Moreno, Victor; Castellvi-Bel, Sergi.Referencia:Journal Of Medical Genetics 2020.
Germline biallelic MCM8 variants are associated with early-onset Lynch-like syndrome
Golubicki, Mariano; Bonjoch, Laia; Acuna-Ochoa, Jose G; Diaz-Gay, Marcos; Munoz, Jenifer;(...)Roca, Enrique; Castells, Antoni; Balaguer, Francesc; Antelo, Marina; Castellvi-Bel, Sergi.Referencia:Jci Insight 2020.
Germline Mutations in FAF1 Are Associated With Hereditary Colorectal Cancer
Bonjoch, Laia; Franch-Exposito, Sebastia; Garre, Pilar; Belhadj, Sami; Munoz, Jenifer;(...)Capella, Gabriel; Balaguer, Francesc; Caldes, Trinidad; Valle, Laura; Castellvi-Bel, Sergi.Referencia:Gastroenterology 2020.
Using linkage studies combined with whole-exome sequencing to identify novel candidate genes for familial colorectal cancer
Toma, Claudio; Diaz-Gay, Marcos; Franch-Exposito, Sebastia; Arnau-Collell, Coral; Overs, Bronwyn;(...)Balaguer, Francesc; Cubiella, Joaquin; Caldes, Trinidad; Fullerton, Janice M; Castellvi-Bel, Sergi.Referencia:International Journal Of Cancer 2020.
Approaches to functionally validate candidate genetic variants involved in colorectal cancer predisposition.
Bonjoch, Laia; Mur, Pilar; Arnau-Collell, Coral; Vargas-Parra, Gardenia; Shamloo, Bahar;Franch-Exposito, Sebastia; Pineda, Marta; Capella, Gabriel; Erman, Batu; Castellvi-Bel, Sergi.Referencia:Molecular Aspects Of Medicine 2019.
Mutational Signatures in Cancer (MuSiCa): a web application to implement mutational signatures analysis in cancer samples
Diaz-Gay, Marcos; Vila-Casadesus, Maria; Franch-Exposito, Sebastia; Hernandez-Illan, Eva; Jose Lozano, Juan;Castellvi-Bel, Sergi.Referencia:Bmc Bioinformatics 2018.