
Universal screening program for cytomegalovirus infection in the first trimester of pregnancy


Multicenter study at ASSIRs in Barcelona with the intention of assessing the benefits of a universal CMV gestational screening in 1st trimester pregnant women. Based on the results of an RCT published in 2020 that demonstrated the usefulness of preventing fetal infection with valacyclovir administered to mothers with primary infection in the 1st trimester, our center already began screening pregnant women treated at the 2021 Maternal-Fetal Medicine Service from the beginning of pregnancy.

As regards these studies, our center will act as a receiving center for new cases diagnosed in ASSIRs not yet cribrats, which represents the vast majority of the pregnant population. In pregnant women with primary infection, the current clinical protocol will be applied, which is the same as that of the other participating hospitals with the intention of reducing fetal infections, especially serious ones.
