Virginia Amador
About me
FPI pre-doctoral fellow, and 2001 PhD Thesis at the IBMB, Barcelona. 2013-today, R3B-principal group leader at the “Functional characterization of oncogenic mechanisms in lymphomagenesis” research group at the oncology and haematology IDIBAPS-department, Barcelona, Spain. Successfully, I have established independent lines of research, recognized in 2013 by the ANEP-I3 program from the Spanish government; and by the Generalitat de Catalunya as Emergent (2014).
In 2017, I was selected as a member of the MCL Consortium at the Lymphoma Research Foundation and the European MCL Network, which brings together the most influential group leaders in the study of lymphomas.
Featured publications
SOX11, a key oncogenic factor in mantle cell lymphoma.
Authors:Reference: Current Opinion In Hematology 2018. -
SOX11 promotes tumor protective microenvironment interactions through CXCR4 and FAK regulation in mantle cell lymphoma.
Authors:Reference: Blood 2017. -
Role of SOX11 and Genetic Events Cooperating with Cyclin D1 in Mantle Cell Lymphoma.
Authors:Reference: Current Oncology Reports 2017. -
SOX11 defines two different subtypes of mantle cell lymphoma through transcriptional regulation of BCL6
Authors:Reference: Leukemia 2016. -
Plasma cell and terminal B-cell differentiation in mantle cell lymphoma mainly occur in the SOX11-negative subtype
Authors:Reference: Modern Pathology 2015. -
SOX11 promotes tumor angiogenesis through transcriptional regulation of PDGFA in mantle cell lymphoma
Authors:Reference: Blood 2014. -
Assessment of SOX11 Expression in Routine Lymphoma Tissue Sections Characterization of New Monoclonal Antibodies for Diagnosis of Mantle Cell Lymphoma
Authors:Reference: American Journal Of Surgical Pathology 2014. -
SOX11 regulates PAX5 expression and blocks terminal B-cell differentiation in aggressive mantle cell lymphoma
Authors:Reference: Blood 2013. -
Epigenetic Activation of SOX11 in Lymphoid Neoplasms by Histone Modifications
Authors:Reference: Plos One 2011. -
Uniparental disomies, homozygous deletions, amplifications, and target genes in mantle cell lymphoma revealed by integrative high-resolution whole-genome profiling
Authors:Reference: Blood 2009.
Featured Projects
Elucidating protective microenvironmental networks and stem-like proprieties in aggressive mantle cell lymphoma for innovative therapeutic strategies
Principal investigator: Virginia Amador EspinosaFunder: Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadCode: BFU2015-64879-RDuration: 01/01/2016 - 30/06/2019 -
Characterization of the oncogenic molecular mechanism of the SOX11 transcription factor in aggressive mantle cell lymphomas
Principal investigator: Virginia Amador EspinosaFunder: Fundació La Marató de TV3Code: 20130110Duration: 15/04/2014 - 14/04/2017 -
Mecanismos oncogénicos regulados por SOX11 en los linfomas agresivos
Principal investigator: Virginia Amador EspinosaFunder: Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadCode: BFU2012-30857Duration: 01/01/2013 - 31/12/2015 -
CIBER de Cáncer
Principal investigator: Elías Campo GüerriCode: CB16/12/00225Duration: 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2023 -
Study of the mechanisms that lead to the up-regulation of SKP2 in human lymphomas
Principal investigator: Virginia PI: Amador Espinosa, Virginia Amador EspinosaFunder: Dirección General de Investigación (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia) (MEC), R&C2006Code: RYC-2006-002110Duration: 19/04/2007 - 04/05/2009