Mariona Pascal
Research group
- Clinical and experimental respiratory immunoallergy Accredited researcher (R3A)
Featured publications
Role of Art v 3 in pollinosis of patients allergic to Pru p 3
Authors:Reference: Journal Of Allergy And Clinical Immunology 2014. -
Gene Expression Profiling Of Food-Induced Anaphylaxis Associated With Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
Authors:Reference: Journal Of Allergy And Clinical Immunology 2014. -
Serum allergen-specific IgA is not associated with natural or induced tolerance to egg in children
Authors:Reference: Allergy 2013. -
Massively parallel sequencing reveals maternal somatic IL2RG mosaicism in an X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency family
Authors:Reference: Journal Of Allergy And Clinical Immunology 2013. -
Lipid transfer protein syndrome: clinical pattern, cofactor effect and profile of molecular sensitization to plant-foods and pollens
Authors:Reference: Clinical And Experimental Allergy 2012. -
A somatic NLRP3 mutation as a cause of a sporadic case of chronic infantile neurologic, cutaneous, articular syndrome/neonatal-onset multisystem inflammatory disease: Novel evidence of the role of low-level mosaicism as the pathophysiologic mechanism underlying mendelian inherited diseases
Authors:Reference: Arthritis And Rheumatism 2010. -
Influence of mannose-binding lectin gene polymorphisms on the invasiveness of cytomegalovirus disease after solid organ transplantation
Authors:Reference: Transplantation Proceedings 2009. -
Novel And Recurrent Mutations In NLRP3 Gene Encoding Cryopyrin in Patients With Cryopyrinopathies: Experience from a Spanish Cohort
Authors:Reference: Clinical Immunology 2009. -
Pyogenic bacterial infections in humans with MyD88 deficiency
Authors:Reference: Science 2008. -
Combined Spanish cohort and international Blau syndrome registry: Report on the expanding phenotype of patients with NOD-2 mutation
Authors:Reference: Arthritis And Rheumatism 2008.
Featured Projects
Asma, Reacciones Adversas y Alérgicas (ARADYAL).
Principal investigator: Joan Bartra TomasFunder: INSTITUTO CARLOS III(MINECO)Code: RD16/0006/0007Duration: 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2021 -
Síndrome LTP: Identificación y caracterización clínica de los epítopos inmunodominantes B y T y su presentación antigénica HLA.
Principal investigator: Mariona PascalFunder: Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO)Code: PI16/00344Duration: 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2019 -
PI19/00710. Estratificación del riesgo de gravedad y patrón de reconocimiento en el Síndrome LTP: papel de la afinidad, clonalidad BCR/TCR y la presentación facilitada de antígeno
Principal investigator: Lopez GDuration: 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2022 -
PI16/00344. Síndrome LTP: identificación y caracterización clínica de los epítopos inmunodominantes B y T y su presentación antigénica HLA
Principal investigator: Joan Bartra TomásDuration: 01/01/2017 - 01/01/2019 -
RETIC - Red de Investigación Asma, reacciones adversas y alérgicas (ARADyAL)
Principal investigator: Margarita MartinDuration: 01/01/2017 - 01/01/2021