Laia Miquel
Research group
- Clinical addictions Accredited researcher (R3A)
About me
Dr. Laia Miquel has a degree in Medicine from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. PhD in
Medicine since March 2018. She completed her specialized training in psychiatry in 2009.
She has worked as a specialist in the field of addiction in CAS Vall d'Hebron (2009-2013).
Then se has been working as a clinical researcher in the Addiction Unit of Hospital Clínic de
Barcelona. Currently, she is a staff member of the CAS Clínic (Addiction Unit Hospital Clínic)
and an IDIBAPS researcher. She has participated in the writng of several clinicl guidelines for
alcohol treatment and dual diagnosis. She is part of the Catalan Board of socidrogalcohol and
the working group on research in women and mental health (GTRDSM).
Featured publications
Barriers to implement screening for alcohol consumption in Spanish hypertensive patients.
Authors:Reference: Family Practice 2018. -
Effectiveness of a specialized brief intervention for at-risk drinkers in an Emergency Department. Short term results of a randomized controlled trial.
Authors:Reference: Academic Emergency Medicine 2018. -
Risky Drinkers Underestimate their Own Alcohol Consumption.
Authors:Reference: Alcohol And Alcoholism 2017. -
The Standard Joint Unit.
Authors:Reference: Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2017. -
Alcohol Consumption and Inpatient Health Service Utilization in a Cohort of Patients With Alcohol Dependence After 20 Years of Follow-up
Authors:Reference: Alcohol And Alcoholism 2017. -
Working on a Standard Joint Unit: A Pilot Test
Authors:Reference: Adicciones 2017. -
High prevalence of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome in marijuana users
Authors:Reference: Emergencias: Revista De La Sociedad Española De Medicina De Urgencias Y Emergencias 2016. -
Alcohol consumption in upper aerodigestive tract cancer: Role of head and neck surgeons' recommendations
Authors:Reference: Alcohol 2016. -
Detection and prevalence of alcohol use disorders in primary health care in Catalonia [Detección y prevalencia del trastorno por uso de alcohol en los centros de atención primaria de Cataluña]
Authors:Reference: Atencion Primaria 2016. -
Definitions of Risky and Problematic Cannabis Use: A Systematic Review
Authors:Reference: Substance Use & Misuse 2016.